Atlantamed Support

Atlantamed Ltd is the new company with new approach to present their invitation to the world. We start our way in Britain and we like to have business connection with other company and other country. Today we honored to say new support plan and its being useful for companies and medical institutes and hospitals to fastest and useful actions.

The Way of Support

Atlantamed Ltd has two types of support way to present. One of them is for companies and the other one is for medical institutes and hospitals. You can select your type in below:


Your Atlantamed Device

If you need to support from Hospitals our Medical Institutes you have to entire your devices serial numbers and fill the boxes and if you have some document about your devices that help us to support your devices you can upload in here.

Enter Your Device Problem

Our Partner

If you have a company and like to have business connection with us, we need your identification that we need in boxes and upload your files.

Enter Your Device Problem